Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today is wednesday and the date is 12-12-12, what an unique date. Lot of people around the world use this date to any purpose. For example, pregnant women want to delivery their baby at this date, couples choose this date to held wedding ceremony, or opening new bussiness. This unique date only happen once in a millenium. My friend in collage, in this date, also held a wedding ceremony at Baitussallam Mosque.

     Several years ago, there was prediction from maya tribe, that at the date 12-12-12 was end of the world, doomsday. The Hollywood also made a movie based on the maya's prediction, the tittle was 2012. But all the prediction is wrong and not will happen. All human in the earth continue their activity without scared about doomsday.

     The prediction about armageddon has several times done before. In 9-9-1999 was predicted that the world would end with any kind of natural disasters like mountain eruption, earthquake, and tsunami in same time. Again all the predictions are failed to be happen.

     After all, the date 12-12-12 is not special date. It is like other date, month and year. So, I think if someone want to do something special at this date, it is only to show their ego and want to show off to other people. For example, pregnant women, eventhough her pregnancy have enough months but there is no sign to delivery, they are still want to delivery at this date. Until some pregnant women have to do ceasarean operation to accomplish their ego. Human is creature that Alloh create with lot of desire and ego. But human must to control their ego to make live harmony.


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