Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Why God must create human to live on the earth?? 
Why religion have to be exist on the earth?? 
Why war become part of human history, eventhough there is religion on the earth?? 
Why between wealthy and poor still have a great gap?? 
Why human always exploit natural resourses without thinking to save for the future?? 
Why God must creat greed, gluttony and envy in every human's heart?? 
Why luck must be there to make hard work looks waste??  

If you want to know the answer and make a better lives on the earth from the answer. You must make your lives worthy and meaningfull for the others.  
All the answers hidden at every path that you follow, waiting you to find it.  
If every human could find the answer, may be utopia really can exist not only a dream.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Looking Forward

Yesterday, I had message from my friend. Actually, she was a another woman that I want her become my girl. But I realize, she only want get advantages from me. May be, she did not mean that.
The message that she sent to me really make me realize for everything that I had done. If you want to know about the message, I will write it in bahasa:

" Bila dirimu sekarang sedang menunggu seseorang untuk menjalani kehidupan menuju ridhoNya. Bersabarlah dengan keindahan...
Demi Allah, dia tidak datang karena kecantikan dan ketampanan, kepintaran ataupun kekayaan tapi Allah-lah yang menggerakkan. Janganlah tergesa untuk menggerakkan. Janganlah tergesa untuk mengekspresikan cinta kepada dia sebelum Allah mengizinkan.
Belum tentu yang kau cinta adalah yang terbaik untukmu. Siapakah yang lebih mengetahui melainkan Allah?
Simpanlah segala bentuk ungkapan cinta dan derap hati rapat-rapat. Allah akan menjawabny dengan lebih indah di saat yang tepat"

That is all message from my friend. How do you think?
Message from her make me realize to achive my dreams first and make the problemas of love later on.
If I have make my dreams come true, I will solve love's problem seriously

Now, I will forget her(different person, not who sent message to me) just for moment. Until I really sure to make a plan to marry her
I wish it will happen in a short time... Amiiinn...

Friday, April 15, 2011


Until now, relation between me and she become far. Like separate by a great wall. Eventhough, every gathering event she usually get a ride with me and in her house I always treated like her boyfriend (may be just my imagine), but now her attitude lot of changes. She ever promises me that she will accompany me if I want eat a burger, but it is never happen. Now, though every important message from me always she reply, but she never reply every single a joke message from me. It is never happen before.
From all that things, I think she really want makes a big, big distance from me. Actually, I really sad with what she was done, but I can not angry with her. It is her choice, I can not interfere.
I only can pray to God if she really my destiny wife, I hope God will make me close with her again.
I have a plan to give  my blog addres, so she can know everything that I was written about her and she will be know every dream that I want achive with her.
This day she was sent a message to me, but until now I not reply yet. Maybe I will never reply it, cause the way she wrote message to me like I newcomer in her world. I know, it is childish. But I want know her reaction if I am not reply the message.
I hope what I was done, not make our relation become worst...

Foot, Hand and Mouth Disease

Recently, lot of people who live in Jakarta was infected by coxsackie virus. This viral cause disease called Foot-Hand-Mouth Disease (FHMD) or in Bahasa called Penyakit Kaki, Tangan dan Mulut or people usually named Flu Singapura. Actually, the history why this viral infection was called Flu Singapura, because in the year 2000 there was outbreak these disease in the Singapore.
The signs and symptoms from infection of FHMD are like infection they are also have fever, on the hand and foot come out vesicles with base erythematous and in the mucosa of oral cavity, there are macular lesions like apthousa appearance. The symptom that make patient discomfort is pain sensation from macular lesion. If this infection caught in children, pain sensation make children don't want eat or drink cause the feel of pain in their mouth. 
For this viral infection no antiviral spesific to cure. All treatment is about supportive. To reduce the fever can use paracetamol or ibuprofen and to minimize feel pain in oral cavity can use chlorhexidine gargle.
FHMD infection is self-limiting disease, that can be heal completely  in 7-10 days.
Because this virus can easily spread to the others, so patient who was infected must be isolated or may be just the family member don't to close to patient.

That is all information about foot-hand-mouth disease. I hope with this information, people can know about this disease and don't to worry if get infected

Susah juga nulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Mulai sekarang ku akan terus nulis dalam bahasa Inggris agar ku bisa lancar baik ngomong dan nulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bull's eye

sama kyk jawaban gw k nyokap,,
"klo temen cowo,alhamdulillah, banyak. cuma yg srius,sayangnya, blom ada."

Kata-kata diatas adalah apa yang Dia tulis dchat hari ini.
Apa yang Dia tulis benar-benar langsung menghujam relung hatiku. Ku merasa menjadi seorang pengecut, yang tak berani membantah apa yang Dia tulis. Karena itulah kenyataan yang terjadi saat ini.
Seandainy Ku berani membuktikan ke-Serius-an ku kepada Dia.
Mungkin apa yang Ku rasakan sekarang sangatlah berbeda 180 derajat dengan apa yang Ku rasakan sekarang.
Bener-bener pengecut diriku ini....