Friday, April 15, 2011

Foot, Hand and Mouth Disease

Recently, lot of people who live in Jakarta was infected by coxsackie virus. This viral cause disease called Foot-Hand-Mouth Disease (FHMD) or in Bahasa called Penyakit Kaki, Tangan dan Mulut or people usually named Flu Singapura. Actually, the history why this viral infection was called Flu Singapura, because in the year 2000 there was outbreak these disease in the Singapore.
The signs and symptoms from infection of FHMD are like infection they are also have fever, on the hand and foot come out vesicles with base erythematous and in the mucosa of oral cavity, there are macular lesions like apthousa appearance. The symptom that make patient discomfort is pain sensation from macular lesion. If this infection caught in children, pain sensation make children don't want eat or drink cause the feel of pain in their mouth. 
For this viral infection no antiviral spesific to cure. All treatment is about supportive. To reduce the fever can use paracetamol or ibuprofen and to minimize feel pain in oral cavity can use chlorhexidine gargle.
FHMD infection is self-limiting disease, that can be heal completely  in 7-10 days.
Because this virus can easily spread to the others, so patient who was infected must be isolated or may be just the family member don't to close to patient.

That is all information about foot-hand-mouth disease. I hope with this information, people can know about this disease and don't to worry if get infected

Susah juga nulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Mulai sekarang ku akan terus nulis dalam bahasa Inggris agar ku bisa lancar baik ngomong dan nulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

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