Henoch-Schonlein Purpura is an inflamation disorder with generalisate vasculitis that usually occur on blood vessels in skin, intestine, kidney, joint and seldom attack lungs and central nervous system. This kind of vasculitis always found in childrens. About etiology, until now can't determined but factors that make this disorder happen was known. Environment, genetic, infection and autoimune reaction that involve IgA are kinds of factor can induce Henoch-Schonlein Purpura. Antigen-antibody complex deposit in intire body and trigger necrotican vasculitis.
The specific sign of purpura are eritematous macula, urticaria papul, pruritic papul and plaque. This papul can easily touched. Purpura always appear simetrically on the lower extermities. But sometimes can be find on arms. In children before 2 years, sometimes can be found edema on scalp, periorbital, hands and feet.
The clinical manifestations are fever, headache and then erythematous purpura come out. Beside that gastrointestine tract disorder, like colic pain may occur and arthritis also always be found on 75% cases. Because, there is IgA complex involvement, kidney disorder also can be found.
No spesific laboratory test for Henoch-Schonlein Purpura. But from hematolgy examination can be find leukocytosis, eosinophilia and thrombocytosis. Urinalysis also have to done, to know whether there are hematuria and proteinuria or no.
For treatment, there is no specific medications. All treatment is supportive, to reduce clinical manifestation.
But sometimes, steroid also needed in certain condition, like: nephrotic syndrome, GI tract bleeding, severe edema and involving lungs and nervous system.
Prognosis for Henoch-Schonlein Purpura is good, because it is self-limited disease. But patient must be informed about the complication that may be occured, eventhough is rare. Henoch-Schonlein Purpura also can be relaps in a months until years. So patient must be well-informed
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